Wednesday, May 30, 2012

5/30/2012 - Can you believe it!  It has been already one week since Noel received his new Liver!

At least for the next 6 weeks Noel will have labs 3 days a week and 1 Liver Clinic visit a week.  He has already had his medication increased from 22 pills to 26 pills a day.  He still is taking insulin shots 2-6 times a day as well.  Yup he's a pin cushion!  Tomorrow he will be having a Ultrasound of his new liver. 

Labs & Clinic visit today!  Thank you Janet you are the greatest coordinator!

 Thanks Dr. Millar we love your jokes!

Hey had a little quiet time with Noel & Brett after Hospital Visits.  Took in a bit of dinner at IN-N-OUT Burger and then off to Brett baseball game.  Great night for baseball...

Great pitching Kendahl!

Thanks Coach!

We decided to sit in the car and watched the game in the outfield.  It was a bit of a walk and it would of been hard on Noel.  Later on Kelly, Kristin, Makenzie & Makailee came to watch Brett as well.  Noel a bit tired after the game finished about 9:30.  He's showing slight signs of swollen feet & ankles.  Well off to bed early appointment at the University tomorrow...

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