Monday, May 28, 2012

5/28/2012 - Well family and friends I am happy to announce that Noel is being discharged today.  Just a few minor details.  The VAC Line removed in the incision area, MAC Line removed in his neck, instructions from our transplant coordinator, instructions from the pharmacist about medication.  I think I have it all. 

Oh forgot the pic of the incision after vac line & foam bandage removed!

All ready to go!  Oh not just quite yet!

Need to have my last hospital meal!



 The nurses have arrived to remove the MAC Line...

removing the MAC Line...Thank you nurses!  Now that feels much better...

 I think I'm ready to go now!

 Ready set...

I think it's time to go!

 Surgical Speciality Transplant Unit (SSTU) Room 5202 from 5/25/2012 to 5/28/2012.  Leaving 1:30 pm from the hospital just 5 days after surgery...

A little quiet time visiting Chad grave...

Very Peaceful!


 Look at these cute signs and balloons the kids made for their Dad & Papa!

There he goes again showing off that incision.  Belly a whole bunch swollen and will be for a while.  It isn't as hard and full of fluid like it was a week ago...

We must not forget the huge pill case now that will be our best buddy!

Will report later tonight just having some quiet time, dinner and giving Noel his medication...

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