Friday, May 25, 2012

 5/24/2012 - These pictures of Noel are less than 24 hours after his Transplant.  The doctors tell us he is doing exceptionally well today.  We can't believe as a family how fast he is improving.  No more itching!   

A marathon for Noel today.  I can't believe he's up and about.  Thank you physical therapists for your help!

Our cute Grand Kid's visit outside Noel room...Jackson wants to know again PaPa are you taking your Lactulose?  Papa says no remember Jackson I don't have to take that anymore...YEA!

Many heartfelt THANKS from the Noel Smith Family to Dr. Campsen and the University of Utah Transplant Team.. .

Another wonderful visit from Gordon - Transplant Buddy Volunteer...

My First Meal!  Yummy!  Broth, Jello, Apple Juice & Sorbet.  Not the Root Beer that's for Deb!

. . .to our visitors today Kristin, Nicole, Amy, Jackson, Brooklyn & Noelle - Pat (Transplant Social Worker) - The Transplant Team - Janet (Transplant Coordinator & For the Goody Bag) - Gordon (Transplant Volunteer & Recipient of Transplant) - Carl & Lu - Duane & Linda - Paul

1 comment:

  1. simply the pictures, keep them coming!
