Saturday, May 26, 2012

5/26/2012 - Doctors visit around 10:00 am...Expressed that Noel was doing very well and the thoughts that he maybe able to go home Tuesday.  They put him on a regular diet that includes low sodium, low fat and low sugar.  They also wanted another IV line removed.  His drain tubes maybe removed Sunday.

Look no superman cape or IV cart.  Upgrading to leg warmers and pants.  Marathon walk this time to 2 Laps around the SSTU Floor this morning.  Doing good Noel!  Thank you for your help again Physical Therapists your job is so appreciated...

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With things in Noel hospital room a bit more quiet today we have had some personal time to discuss our thoughts on his transplant.  As we have had over two years to plan for this big day our thoughts & emotions have hit highs and lows.  Our thoughts today are very somber, heavy hearts and with tears in our eyes for the donor family.  This family has donated such a wonderful gift to Noel (a Gift of Life).  Our family feels their pain and sorrow for their loved one they have lost.  With our lost of Chad in 2002 we look back that we never had the opportunity to donate any of his organs or tissue.  With all the sorrow, sadness and now excitement we have gone through we have explained to our family & friends to please get registered to be an organ & tissue donor.  You may one day get to help a terrific person like Noel and give them the most wonderful gift of all the gift of LIFE.

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Thanks Paul for bringing Mom for a visit...

Papa is happy to see Makenzie & Makailee!  Thank you girls for wearing your masks around Papa...

Look at these cute Get Well Cards from Makenzie & Makailee...
Thanks Kelly & Kristin for bringing them to see Papa!

Another marathon walk around the SSTU Floor...Thank you Evans Family!

 Hi Noelle & Amy!  Thank you Noelle for using your mask and coming to visit Papa... 

Thank you Carl, Lu & Geno for visiting today... 

Thank you everyone for your visits today we appreciate and love you very much...Thank you again for the darling get well cards kids!  A big thank you again Makenzie, Makailee & Noelle for wearing your masks.
Good Girl's *

Goodnight Family calling it a early night tonight after the basketball game!  Noel is doing great and ready for bed early...

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