Wednesday, May 23, 2012

5/23/2012 - Received a phone call at 2:30 am from the University of Utah Transplant Unit.  They have a liver for Noel!  They want to transplant by 7:00 am.  I woke Noel to tell him tears of joy flowed or both of us.  Noel called John Barlow to come and give him a blessing.  John Barlow & Alan Hague gave Noel a wonderful blessing - Thank You!  Noel wanted Nicole to cut his hair before we headed to the hospital.   Yes she did cut it as you can see!  Arrived at the hospital by 2:30 am.  They immediately started prepping Noel for surgery. 

Taken into surgery by 7:00 am...

Surgery begins at 8:30 am...

First Update:  9:13 am - Noel doing well everything is on track...

Second Update:  11:20 am - Noel is a trooper. No problems all is well...
Alex Faamoe
His mother was having a bit of surgery today!  Nice to see you Alex!

Third Update:  1:23 pm - No problem's so far! Noel doing great!.

Fourth Update:  2:45 pm - Surgery a complete success!  The Smith Family now are flowing many tears of joy! 

Fifth Update:  3:00 pm - Doctor reported that Noel was doing exceptionally well. Just waiting to see him in the recovery room... 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the blog...LOVE the updates! Keep them coming! We are praying for Noel and we know that he has angels around him. xoxo
