Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5/28/2012 - Things settled down a bit time for a quiet little nap for Noel & I. 

Had a nice chat with The Hayes Family, John Barlow and Jim & Deanna Allred.  Mary Clark called and said there family barbecue was over and that they had extra food and would love to share it with us.  Thank you Jeff & Mary and Brad & Nicole Clark Families for sharing your yummy food with the Smith Family it was very much appreciated!

 I think Noel knows he's getting his medicine now!



Wow!  Thank You Coach Whittingham for visiting Noel you made his day complete!

 Thank you for the autographs the kids thought that was pretty COOL!

Thank you again Coach!  We appreciated you taking your time out of your day to visit with Noel & our family, who by the way are all some of your biggest FANS!

* * *
  This has been quite the journey so far for the Smith Family.  We know we still have a huge mountain to climb with Noel health but know we aren't alone in climbing that mountain.  We will keep you updated on his progress with the many office & lab visits he will going to in the months ahead.  We thank you friends & family for everything and sharing our joy of this new gift that Noel has received for another chance at life!

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