Sunday, May 27, 2012

5/27/2012 - Pretty quiet day so far.  Doctor visit reports that Noel is doing well and no problems.  Possible change in a diet plan.  Creatinine (kidney function) a bit high.  Doctors say their not worried it's just the kidney's not use to being with a functioning liver.  Removed drain tube from stomach with a couple of stitches to finish it off...Pretty yucky outside and cold!

 Doing pretty good there Noel!  Nice walking attire!

Thanks Bruce & Linda for your visit and helping us understand a few medical terms...

Thanks Tawannee & Alesha for visiting and sharing your stories about your Liver Transplant Journey with us...

Thank you Carl & Lu for taking the time to come and visit Noel.  It is much appreciated...

 Good job Brooklyn for wearing your mask!

 Thank you for visiting Papa Nicole & Brooklyn...

Good job people for wearing your masks!

Thank you Jill for bringing Mom to visit.  Also thank you Jill for your visit and a few tears we could share together...

 Thanks Brooklyn for walking with Nana & Papa around the block and keeping your mask on.  You were a big helper...

Time to close now with a big "THANK YOU" from our visitors today.  Having another quick walk around the block before it's time to head to bed...

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