Thursday, May 23, 2013

MAY 23, 2013

Our family reached a milestone today.  We can't believe Noel received his transplant a year ago today!  Life could not be better for him.  His doctors say he is doing remarkably well although he is still is seeing kidney specialists and eventually will need a kidney transplant.  For now drinking a lot of water, eating right and exercising.

So much has gone on this past year it is hard to comprehend.  As I had mentioned Noel started working but after a month he had to quit because he was on his feet 24/7 and by the end of the day his feet, ankles & knees were swelling.  He now is working part time doing the work he loves to do before he got sick and can take breaks when he needs them.  He has kept himself a little busy with feeling so much better and able to enjoy getting out.

Outing at Brighton Ski Resort Jan. 2013. . .

 Jackson's Jr. Jazz Basketball. . .

Noelle's Coach Pitch Softball. . .

Brooklyn's 4th Birthday. . .

MaKailee's Coach Pitch Softball. . .

MaKenzie's Girl's Softball. . .

Brett's Baseball. . .

Taking in a softball game. . .

Emma havin' a good time. . .

 Taking the trees down. . .

A bit of yard work. . . 

Taking in a Bee's Baseball game. . .

* * *
Taking a look back to 2011 at this time Noel started the rigorous tests needed to be put on the transplant list.  Poking and prodding became a way of life.  Tests need to be done to make sure there were no signs of cancer, blood clots, keeping diabetes under control, shots, CT scan and lab work monthly.  Water pills needed for that extra fluid building up in his stomach.MELD SCORE 15. . .

* * *
Fast forward to 2012 at this time.  Noel has slowly gotten worse experiencing times of confusion and slow motor skills.  The morning of March 13, 2012 we found Noel laying on the floor unable to move or speak.  Brett and I rushed him to the University of Utah where they immediately admitted him with high levels of ammonia over 137 in his system.  After a few days of extra lactulose given and other medication to help with his itching they released Noel March 16, 2012.  Labs needed to be done weekly now and paracentesis at least once a week to remove the excess fluid in his stomach.  
March 30, 2012 labs MELD SCORE 25
April 6, 2012 - Labs & Paracentesis (6 liters of fluid taken) MELD SCORE 20
April 18, 2012 - Labs - MELD SCORE 24
April 19, 2012 - Had to be admitted into hospital and treated for an infection.  IVs, x-ray, blood transfusion & Pic Line put in place.  Moved to the IMCU Floor April 21, 2012 where he could be monitored more closely.  Sleeping with oxygen.
April 22, 2012 - Paracentesis - Blood sugar levels reaching the 400's - Labs
April 23, 2012 - Moved Noel to the Acute Internal Medicine Floor - Blood sugar now in the 300's.  MELD SCORE 33
Doctors have informed us that Noel's kidney's have taken a beating these last few months especially after this last episode.  They also informed us today that Noel was on hold for a liver transplant.
April 25, 2012 - Released from hospital but his stomach is starting to already fill up again.  Heavy dose of antibiotics given.
April 28, 2012 - U of U ER for a emergency paracentesis and culture
April 30, 2012 - Labs, Paracentesis & Albumin Infusion - MELD SCORE 24
May 3, 2012 - Labs - MELD SCORE 28
May 7, 2012 - Labs, Paracentesis & Albumin Infusion - MELD SCORE 29
May 8, 2012 - Admitted into the University of Utah - enlarged prostate, kidney function not good, put on a restricted diet (Renal Diet), ultrasound, blood sugars high.  Informed we would need to meet with a kidney specialist.  MELD SCORE 30
May 11, 2012 - Released from the U of U Hospital
May 14, 2012 - Labs, Paracentesis & Albumin Infusion - MELD SCORE 26
May 19, 2012 - Bowling Fundraiser to benefit Noel & Mike

May 21, 2012 - Labs, Paracentesis (7 1/2 liters removed) & Albumin Infusion
Brett's baseball team barbecue at our house. . .

May 22, 2012
 Received a phone call from the University that Noel would be put on hold for 24 hours for a transplant.  We made sure our bags were packed and ready to go at a short notice.  
Janet a coordinator at the U called and said his MELD SCORE was 25. . .
Later that day we attended Brett's baseball game to which they won!  Had a bite to eat with Carl & LuGene Hansen after the game and then it was off to head to bed.  Noel was extremely tired.  We had not yet received a phone call from the U.  Noel and I headed off to bed about 10:30.  Noel seemed very calm and relaxed and went to sleep quickly I believe I did as well because the next thing I remember is a dream I had that this would the time for Noel to have his transplant and that he would have no complications.

May 23, 2012
Noel transplant journey began with a 2:30 am phone call from the the University Transplant Office.  They informed us that a liver was available and that we needed to get to the hospital as soon as we could.  They felt this was a good match for him and that they wanted to do transplant by 7:00 am but many tests need to be done before that time.  Noel awoke as soon as the phone rang I said this is your day are you ready he said Deb I've been ready for the last two years for this time.  I kissed him and with tears of joy we started calling family members.  Noel called John Barlow & Alan Hague to have them come and give Noel a blessing.  This set the tone for us to be in a very calm stage especially myself since I was driving and Noel going through a very long and difficult surgery.  After they were done with the blessing it was time to head to the hospital.  Noel was given instructions to take the pre-transplant pill's which were a heavy dose of antibiotic's before we left.  All is history for. . . 

Noel's Transplant Journey.

* * *

We would like again to take this opportunity to thank Max for becoming a organ donor and his family for all that they have gone through.  We have a special love for all of them. . .   

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