Sunday, April 28, 2013

Donate Awareness Month!

I thought this is fitting being Donate awareness month and all....

               But we would like to introduce Max... Max was the donor of Dad's Liver, This past week I have had a chance to start to get to know Max's family. His mom Janet, his brother Ben, and sister Abby. We are very excited to get to know them and learn more about Max. 

        Max at the time was 23, he was very close with his family. They live in Henderson, NV. but he moved here to Salt Lake to attend school. They are Denver Broncos fans.... (Yes I had to throw that in there because it is so cool!). There is still so much to learn about Max and his family and this is only the beginning. We are excited to have this family apart of ours forever!  

     Words will never begin to express how grateful we will always be to him and his family. As his mom told me that Max always thought of others, this is what he would have wanted so others could have the second chance at life. In a letter from his mom she went on to say.... "this donation would be a comfort to his family, knowing that since Max was so cool, we were going to spread him around." 

     These are favorite pictures of Max that his mom sent me. 

This is Max!

After this one his mom sent she said: 
"Max was a real trip. The bare chested farmer tan captures a lot about him"

Ben, Abby, Max and Janet 
- This is a great picture of them all.-


   This August we are going to be attending the Dash for Donation 5k this year it is on Saturday August 3. Dad is very excited and wants to join us this year because he is feeling so much better. Anyone can join our team I will be registering by Mid to late July. Because we have a team larger that 5 the fee is 20 per person, If you would like to join "Leon's Liver" Team let me know and I can add you. Email me at I will be able to register everyone together and pay all at once.



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