Sunday, August 26, 2012


Our Yard Sale was another great success thanks to our family members & friends.  We still have items to sell!  If you know of anyone who would like to buy a Air Hockey Table, Schwinn Exercise Bike, Desk, End Tables or Metal & Glass Shelving, and Chairs.  Let the us know!
We are thinking of having another yard sale at Joe & Amy house in a few weeks.  Watch for details!

Here are just of few of the our larger items!

2 Rectangle & 2 Curved Shelves
1 Coffee & 3 End Tables also 1 wood end table
Some of these pieces can be separated to fit your needs. . .

2 Chairs

4 Chairs

Our Yard Sale!
Sales are heating up!

 Change Please!

 Thanks Brett for your help!

 I'll take a WATER!

Great lemonade & goodies stand Noelle!

 Hard at work!

 Thank you Chris, Joe & Amy for your help!

 Thanks for coming Mom & Sherrie!

THANK YOU again to all of you who helped, contributed & bought items at our Yard Sale to make it successful once again. . .

*  *  *
Noel is healing really well but the sun is a menace on his skin especially after our yard sale.  Lip, Sun Screen & Aloe Vera Cooling Gel has become one of his best friends.  A couple of lab & clinic visits to go to this week and the daunting task of picking of meds.  For those of you with not a full understanding of transplant meds they are very expensive!  This time each month is very difficult for us.  But thanks to our fundraisers & yard sales it makes the pharmacy trip a bit more easier for us.  Noel really exhausted after our yard sale this time will probably need the whole week to recover.

A look back two years ago Noel had already had his first ERCP procedure at the LDS Hospital to work on the Pancreas Stone.  Dr. Sandhu had explained to us that this procedure is very risky and that he would need more one to complete it.  Still going to at least one to two appts. weekly. 

Fast forward two years appts. slowly down only diabetes to go to.  Blood sugars high because of the Lactulose he takes.  Put on a new medicine to control high blood sugars.  A bit skeptical about him taking it because of his Pancreatitis and the warning put out on this medicine.

*  *  *
Well THANK YOU again FRIENDS & FAMILY for another successful YARD SALE.  We couldn't of done it without your help!


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