Saturday, August 11, 2012


Well it has been a busy week with Noel getting out of the hospital Tuesday and picking up new medications.  Wednesday clinic visit to check his incision and Friday lab tests at the University.  I am having to change his bandages three times a day and doctors added two more pills a day. . .

View from Noel hospital room. . .

This sign on Noel hospital room door explains itself. . .

Lunch Time!

Time to check the incision and put bandages on. . .

This is the coolest bandage set-up I wish I would of thought of it!

* * *
Our kids the Evans & Rosvall families took in the Dash For Donation 5K Run/2K Walk today to help raise awareness for those who are waiting for organ, tissue and eye transplantation.                                     

Thank You!  
You did it for a great cause. . .

 We are having fun now!

 Love the shirts girls. . .

 That's the way to go!

Love the shirts!

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