Sunday, August 26, 2012


Our Yard Sale was another great success thanks to our family members & friends.  We still have items to sell!  If you know of anyone who would like to buy a Air Hockey Table, Schwinn Exercise Bike, Desk, End Tables or Metal & Glass Shelving, and Chairs.  Let the us know!
We are thinking of having another yard sale at Joe & Amy house in a few weeks.  Watch for details!

Here are just of few of the our larger items!

2 Rectangle & 2 Curved Shelves
1 Coffee & 3 End Tables also 1 wood end table
Some of these pieces can be separated to fit your needs. . .

2 Chairs

4 Chairs

Our Yard Sale!
Sales are heating up!

 Change Please!

 Thanks Brett for your help!

 I'll take a WATER!

Great lemonade & goodies stand Noelle!

 Hard at work!

 Thank you Chris, Joe & Amy for your help!

 Thanks for coming Mom & Sherrie!

THANK YOU again to all of you who helped, contributed & bought items at our Yard Sale to make it successful once again. . .

*  *  *
Noel is healing really well but the sun is a menace on his skin especially after our yard sale.  Lip, Sun Screen & Aloe Vera Cooling Gel has become one of his best friends.  A couple of lab & clinic visits to go to this week and the daunting task of picking of meds.  For those of you with not a full understanding of transplant meds they are very expensive!  This time each month is very difficult for us.  But thanks to our fundraisers & yard sales it makes the pharmacy trip a bit more easier for us.  Noel really exhausted after our yard sale this time will probably need the whole week to recover.

A look back two years ago Noel had already had his first ERCP procedure at the LDS Hospital to work on the Pancreas Stone.  Dr. Sandhu had explained to us that this procedure is very risky and that he would need more one to complete it.  Still going to at least one to two appts. weekly. 

Fast forward two years appts. slowly down only diabetes to go to.  Blood sugars high because of the Lactulose he takes.  Put on a new medicine to control high blood sugars.  A bit skeptical about him taking it because of his Pancreatitis and the warning put out on this medicine.

*  *  *
Well THANK YOU again FRIENDS & FAMILY for another successful YARD SALE.  We couldn't of done it without your help!


Thursday, August 23, 2012

So I wanted to write a quick note and just say today marks 3 MONTHS since dad's surgery
(or as we say his new BIRTHDAY!) !!!!
There is not a day goes by that we do not think that there is
another family out there also saying it has been three months since they lost their loved one.
We could not be more grateful for the gift of life they gave dad.

Thank you EVERYONE for all love and support from the past few months it means the world to us!

- Kristin-

Monday, August 20, 2012



When:   Sat. Aug. 25th

Where:  Noel Smith Residence
               2837 E. Swiss Oaks Dr.   (8000 South)

Time:    8:00am - 2:00pm

Anyone free this day we would love your help to finish selling items that have been generously donated to us.  If any of your friends or relatives are looking for certain items we have 2 sets of dining room table & chairs, 2 desks, couch, glass coffee & end tables, glass shelves, sports equipment, air hockey table, household, baby items & clothes just to name a few of the many items. 

Love to have you come! 


Saturday, August 11, 2012


Well it has been a busy week with Noel getting out of the hospital Tuesday and picking up new medications.  Wednesday clinic visit to check his incision and Friday lab tests at the University.  I am having to change his bandages three times a day and doctors added two more pills a day. . .

View from Noel hospital room. . .

This sign on Noel hospital room door explains itself. . .

Lunch Time!

Time to check the incision and put bandages on. . .

This is the coolest bandage set-up I wish I would of thought of it!

* * *
Our kids the Evans & Rosvall families took in the Dash For Donation 5K Run/2K Walk today to help raise awareness for those who are waiting for organ, tissue and eye transplantation.                                     

Thank You!  
You did it for a great cause. . .

 We are having fun now!

 Love the shirts girls. . .

 That's the way to go!

Love the shirts!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Today Noel had his first set back since his transplant in May.  For the last few days he has been a bit sluggish and not wanting to eat much.  After taking his vitals Noel noticed his incision draining more than usual and it being a bit more pinkish.  I called his doctor they said to go immediately to the ER because of a possible infection he may have.  Well sure enough here we are in the ER and now they are telling us that he will need to be admitted for a couple of days for observation and pump him with antibiotics.  They also had to cut his incision open about 3/4 of length to drain the fluid.  Everything has been going so well for Noel and we have prepared ourselves for these setbacks. 

Just passing time with the Nook while waiting for doctors in the ER...

Looks like we are ready to cut away!  Are you ready Noel!

* * *

We are still going to the University for labs three days a week.  This coming week we are headed to the U for labs & a clinic visit and was hoping to go on two a week lab visits and clinic once a month.  But with this setback we are prepared for our visits to the U not to change and stay the same as it has been.  We are getting to be regulars at the U.  You know that when they remember your names with valet, front desk, labs, er and so on.  Especially it's nice to talk with Bonnie in the cafeteria & Deanna who works in another clinic.  Everyone has been so nice to work with at the University!

* * *

Noel, Brett, Makenzie & I took in a Bee's game last week!  As you can see we are having fun but they seem to loose when we go!

* * * 

Looking back two years August 2010 Noel seems to be a bit more tired than usual.  Appointments in full swing with University of Utah Transplant Clinic.  Doctors confirmed to us that Noel would definitely need a liver transplant. His liver is approximately 30% to 40% gone and at least two years out for a transplant. His doctor explained that he will get fatigued easily, itching will get intense, confusion, bloating and get sicker.  He also could develop cancer.  Learned that the Lactulose will have to be taken right up until he his transplanted.  Dumb me thought that would be something that he would only have to take temporarily knowing now how important taking this medicine can literally safe his life.  Office visits really picking up at least 1-3 visits a week.  MELD score 9 . . .

* * *

Fast forward one year August 2011 finishing up with many appointments to prepare to be put on the transplant list.  Met with a dietitian - low sodium, limit processed meats & cheese, fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese, fiber, cut ice-cream intake (sorry Noel I know you didn't want to hear this one), no papaya, kiwi, pineapple, grapefruit, pomegranate.  Also met with a financial coordinator at the U.  Doctor prescribed 1500mg of Vitamin D & Calcium daily & an osteoporosis pill, had more shots & lab work done.  Had a endoscopy at Huntsman Cancer Hospital to check for signs of cancer.  Signs of moderate to severe chronic pancreatitis & enlarged lymph nodes.  Office visits subside for a few weeks   MELD score 15 . . .

* * * 

Getting ready for another YARD SALE!  Looking at August 18th, 25th or September 1st.  We will keep you posted on the exact date!  Still working on a exact date for our Fundraiser/Dinner/Auction.  Keep up the good work on getting items for our auction!

Thank you again family & friends for everything!  All your support and help through Noel's transplant journey has made our family extremely humble and very grateful for everything that we have been given.  We are blessed with such great family & friends to get us through this...