Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22, 2012

Recapping the past week:

Noel released on Fri. 10/19/2012. . .
Noel feeling better after being pumped with antibiotics. Taken off a couple of more medications. Yippee!  But those darn Kidney's need to start working better the doc's tell us.  Drink more water!   They say his wound is even looking better as well but he needs to put on a bit more weight!

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Happy Birthday Brett!
 Your How Young?
 Ah! "18"

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For those of you who knew Chad he would of been "29" on October 19th as well!  We all miss him so much!  Happy Birthday Chad!

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October 22, 2012

Labs & Liver Clinic visit today!  This starts at 8:00 am and ends at about 4:00 pm.  Between the driving, waiting to do labs, waiting in between appointments (no good to drive back home) clinic visit, picking up new prescriptions and driving back home is a long day.  Sounds like work! Yea! Something like that but a lot of sitting, walking, talking and people watching!  But we are used to it by now!  Love having breakfast & lunch together!  Visited the Huntsman Cancer Hospital for a bit breakfast at the Pointe Restaurant.  Nice & peaceful to look out at the Salt Lake Valley through all that glass.  Well ending this blog now our day starts all over again on Thursday for a visit to the Kidney Clinic and get more information on Noel's Kidney's!

Talk To You All Soon!

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