Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22, 2012

Recapping the past week:

Noel released on Fri. 10/19/2012. . .
Noel feeling better after being pumped with antibiotics. Taken off a couple of more medications. Yippee!  But those darn Kidney's need to start working better the doc's tell us.  Drink more water!   They say his wound is even looking better as well but he needs to put on a bit more weight!

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Happy Birthday Brett!
 Your How Young?
 Ah! "18"

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For those of you who knew Chad he would of been "29" on October 19th as well!  We all miss him so much!  Happy Birthday Chad!

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October 22, 2012

Labs & Liver Clinic visit today!  This starts at 8:00 am and ends at about 4:00 pm.  Between the driving, waiting to do labs, waiting in between appointments (no good to drive back home) clinic visit, picking up new prescriptions and driving back home is a long day.  Sounds like work! Yea! Something like that but a lot of sitting, walking, talking and people watching!  But we are used to it by now!  Love having breakfast & lunch together!  Visited the Huntsman Cancer Hospital for a bit breakfast at the Pointe Restaurant.  Nice & peaceful to look out at the Salt Lake Valley through all that glass.  Well ending this blog now our day starts all over again on Thursday for a visit to the Kidney Clinic and get more information on Noel's Kidney's!

Talk To You All Soon!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 16, 2012

This has been the longest day ever next to Noel's Transplant.  Around 11:00 pm 10-15-2012 Noel said he wasn't feeling well and headed to the bathroom.  We heard a yell and had found out that Noel had just awoke after passing out.  Brett & I quickly gathered things together and told Noel that we were taking him to the hospital.  Of course we heard NO WAY I don't need to go.  So around 12:00 am Noel was admitted to the University of Utah ER.  He had not been eating well the last few days and when he did eat was not able to keep it down.  He had very little energy and was loosing weight day by day.  We already knew that his Kidney's have not done well and found out recently that his medications are causing the trouble.  His blood pressure was very low and immediately they started an IV solution in the ER.

Over the course of the next few hours Noel had received a chest x-ray, CT scan and pumped with antibiotics.  The ER was extremely busy so after 3 moves we ended up in the ECU (Emergency Care Unit).  They told us we were staying here until a room was available on the Transplant Floor (SSTU) (home away from home when Noel had his transplant).  Noel continued IV and after speaking with his doctors they told him he would only be able to have just clear liquids.  They explained the next day that Noel would have to have a Colonoscopy.  It is now 3:30 pm (Tuesday) Noel has not eaten anything since Monday morning.  Another hour passed by and the nurses said they were moving Noel to the SSTU Floor.  Upon arriving Noel mentioned that the room next door was the room he was in in May for his transplant.  He also said the room he now is going to stay in was graciously donated by our sister-in-law Diane Smith parents Robert & Joyce Graham.

Moving into the night Noel enjoyed his clear broth, sprite and jello for dinner.  His nurse greeted him with a surprise for dessert!  Noel would have to drink a liquid that would prep him for his Colonoscopy tomorrow.  I enjoyed my grilled ham & cheese and felt guilty eating it in front of him. I really don't think he cared especially not feeling well.  We sat and enjoyed the Detroit Tigers & New York Yankees game.  

Love those TIGERS!

Here we go again!

Rest Time!

Thanks Brett for helping out!

That brings us to a flashback of Oct. 2010.  A very busy month of doctor's appts.  Noel would have to endure shots,Stress Test, EKG, other Heart & Lung tests and the start of 5 ERCP that he would have over the course of four months to remove a stone in his Pancreas duct.  He would continue with his diabetes & hematology appts.  

Fast forward to Oct. 2011. more shots given.  Itching for Noel extremely unbearable.  More doctors appts.  Received from the University of Utah Transplant approval to be put on the transplant list.  All we would need now is our insurance approval.  The insurance company requested that Noel & I would need another physciological exam by our insurance company doctors.  This would in tell 3 separate visits along with about a 25 page test.  The month of October was another hard month for Noel.  He was really starting to show signs of slow motor skills and coming home from work totally exhausted.  On Oct. 25 Noel dressed for work and said Deb you better drive me to work.  He was shaking so bad he couldn't take his meds.  He dropped his glass of water.  He wasn't sure where he was.  He started jerking some that is when I said your not going to work we are taking you straight to the University ER.  He was admitted immediately.  His ammonia levels in his body were 198 (normal 9-33). Once again tests were preformed ultrasound and chest x-ray.  Remember the Lactulose I mentioned that helps rid the body of toxins.  Well Noel had to have double doses at this time during his stay in the hospital.  Tastes yucky as he would say but a medicine that helped save his live.  MELD SCORE 15. . .

What a stressful month of October so far for the Smith Family but know things will look brighter in the months to come.  We just want Noel to get well so he can get back on his feet again and enjoy life!

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1, 2012
Last week Noel had (4) visits to the University of Utah Hospital - (2) Labs, Clinic Visits (Kidney & Liver) and a Blood Transfusion.  The doctors are telling us that his Kidney's are not happy right now possibly due to the rejection meds for his Liver.  So the doctors would like Noel to have a Kidney Biopsy.  Keep in mind that he has already had a Liver Biopsy as well.

So that brings us today back at the hospital Oct. 1, 2012 bright and early for lab work and then later for a biopsy.  Noel did really well after being poked a few times.  They do this procedure first with location of kidney's with a ultra sound.  With Noel on his stomach and then giving him a local shot (he is alert the whole time) the doctor proceeds with a long needle about 6" to retrieve some tissue.  He did this 3 times each time giving the tissue to a Lab Tech to look under a microscope to make sure it was sufficient.  As I have mentioned before being at the University it is a teaching & learning hospital so for this procedure Noel had 8 doctors and nurses either helping or observing his biopsy.  Noel joked and said what about charging an admission?  

Just getting started. . .

I'm just happy to be here!  Ha!  Ha!

Biopsy in progress!
Sorry about the lighting (low lights) for the doctor to see the Ultra Sound. . .

Nap Time!  
Might as well sleep since I have to be on my back for 4 hours!
(With having a Kidney Biopsy the doctors have you stay overnight in the hospital so they can monitor you for any bleeding)

Enough of the pictures!

 The Smith's will report back at the end of the week and let you know the test results of the biopsy.  Oh forgot one more thing another test for Noel on Friday at the University.  Noel has to have a Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, or EGD for short, it is a procedure used to gain more information about his esophagus, stomach, and small intestine.  They put a small tube down his throat that is a camera to check it all out.  Sounds like fun!  Ask Noel he has had this procedure a few times. . .