Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23, 2012

Here we are "4" months since Noel had his "Liver Transplant".  He's doing really good!  Started driving again the other day.  It has been a year since he has driven.  Getting anxious around the house to do things but know he can only do and lift so much.   

He has had three medications removed from his list.  Yippee!  Having labs done at the University once a week or as needed.  His kidney's have been a bit upset since the transplant and all the medication he is on.  So as a request from his doctor we will be seeing a Nephrologist this next week along with his regular clinic visit.  He also is on a special Renal/Diabetic diet to help those kidney's.  His incision is closing up nicely except for a bit of redness & tender areas that will be looked at this week.

Looking back two years September 2010 Noel has had the following:  Appointments still in full swing.  Had a overnight oximeter meter to measure his oxygen levels, a echo cardiogram and his itching still is going strong. 

Fast forward one year September 2011:  Noel showing signs of water retention in his ankles & feet.  High blood sugar readings for his diabetes.  Doctor considering putting him on a new medication to control it.  Had a colonoscopy which was good and doesn't have to have one for five more years!  Prescribed another medication for his itching.  MELD SCORE 16. . .

 Taking in lunch with Salt Lake Bees Team. . .

 Catcher - Hank Conger!

Thanks Coach for another great year!

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