7/17/2012 - The YARD SALE was a complete success. Thank you family, friends, neighbors & ward members for your sacrifice to Noel's cause. Your overwhelming support of donated item's, service to help set-up, clean-up and sell was tremendous. Noel & I would of never been able to pull it off by ourselves. THANK-YOU ! ! !
As some of you are aware the night before the yard sale MOTHER NATURE fell upon us with a vengeance. The winds literally took the awnings we sat up and twisted & turned them in all directions. We found one in the neighbor's backyard and another flew over our house in our backyard. The awning was wrapped around the fireplace with a brick still attached to it. The yard sale items were flying everywhere. A quick call from our Relief Society to wards members brought many to help tarp and tie down the item's. An email sent out as well brought more help that was needed the day of the yard sale to get things ready by 8:00am. Friends, family, neighbors & ward members arrived by 6:00am to start the task of getting item's ready to sale. Everyone worked together to pull off a successful yard sale to benefit Noel and our prayers were answered for a beautiful day!
As you can see it was a pretty violent storm. See the brick still attached to the rope. Just glad no one was hurt! |
Sells are just starting to heat up! |
This was only half of the clothes that were donated...WOW! Thanks Chou's for letting us use your lawn! |
Anyone for a wine rack, shoe holder or use your imagination? We still are trying to sell it! |
Thanks for coming! |
Hey Brett! There goes Sponge Bob! |
Things are starting to wind down... |
Noel taking a break and talking with family members. We still have 2 sets of couches, dining room tables and chairs for sale as you can see. Know anyone that may need them?
We will be having another Yard Sale in the next few weeks. We would love to sell the remaining item's that we have. Date TBA...
Watch for information on the Fundraiser/Dinner/Auction in the next few weeks. We have decided that maybe it would work out better for a fall fundraiser to give us time to regroup from the yard sale (especially Noel)and give us more time to prepare for it. We are also seeking for volunteers to help out on our committee. Also looking for space to hold our function. It would need to hold a least 150 to 200 people along with tables & chairs. Know anyone with space available it would be appreciated ...
By the way everyone Noel is doing wonderful and getting stronger everyday!
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