Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23, 2012

It has been TWO months now since Noel had his transplant.  Life for him is going great!  This last week we had our usual three days of labs and one clinic visit.  We were back on Saturday at the University for a blood transfusion.  By the labs that were done previously Noel was showing signs of being anemic.  We arrived by 7:30am and so over a course of about four hours he was given 2 units of blood.  By noon we were ready for a quick lunch together in the hospital cafeteria.  Then it was taking his daily insulin and medicines then it was off for home.

One of the many visits to the hospital for labs and clinic visits. . .Thanks Brett for tagging along. . .

Nook comes in handy in between office visits. . .

Just passing the time and waiting to have lunch before our office visit. . .

Taking it easy while having a transfusion. . .

Sad news came to our family on Sunday.  Our Aunt Mary passed away.  Our thoughts and prayers are with family members at this time of their loss and sadness.

* * *
Looking back two years ago July 2010 Noel had recently been released from IMC Hospital and recovering from Hepatic Encephalopathy that he had.  He also within a few days of being released had a Liver Biopsy at the same hospital.  At this time also preparing to get clearance from our insurance company to go to the University of Utah Liver Clinic.  Communicating with Diabetes doctor as well about his medication. 

We also at this time prepared to meet with a lawyer to have him prepare a "Health Directive" and "Power of Attorney" for both of us which by the way came in very handy when I needed to get records or get answers.

Received clearance from insurance company spent better part of a day retrieving records for two years from doctors, copying and delivering them to the University of Utah Liver Clinic.  MELD SCORE 9. . .

Fast forwarding to July 2011 preparations in full swing to prepare Noel to be put on the transplant list.  Many more tests, shots and office visits needed to be done.  A lot of labs taken as well.  Prescribed water pills because of the bloating.  Also informed that we would be meeting with dietitian's and financial coordinators from the Liver Clinic.  Put on a low-sodium & low-fat diet.  Also met with some of the surgeons from the liver transplant team.  Put on a heavy dose of vitamins and also needs to have a Endoscopy.  MELD SCORE 15. . .

* * *
Thanks again family, friends & neighbors for a successful yard sale.  Look for more information on the next one coming up.  We would love to sell the remaining items.  Thank you again for all your donations.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

7/17/2012 - The YARD SALE was a complete success.  Thank you family, friends, neighbors & ward members for your sacrifice to Noel's cause.  Your overwhelming support of donated item's, service to help set-up, clean-up and sell was tremendous.  Noel & I would of never been able to pull it off by ourselves.  THANK-YOU ! ! !

As some of you are aware the night before the yard sale MOTHER NATURE fell upon us with a vengeance.  The winds literally took the awnings we sat up and twisted & turned them in all directions.  We found one in the neighbor's backyard and another flew over our house in our backyard.  The awning was wrapped around the fireplace with a brick still attached to it.  The yard sale items were flying everywhere.  A quick call from our Relief Society to wards members brought many to help tarp and tie down the item's.  An email sent out as well brought more help that was needed the day of the yard sale to get things ready by 8:00am.  Friends, family, neighbors & ward members arrived by 6:00am to start the task of getting item's ready to sale.  Everyone worked together to pull off a successful yard sale to benefit Noel and our prayers were answered for a beautiful day!

As you can see it was a pretty violent storm.  See the brick still attached to the rope.  Just glad no one was hurt!

Sells are just starting to heat up!

This was only half of the clothes that were donated...WOW!  Thanks Chou's for letting us use your lawn!

Anyone for a wine rack, shoe holder or use your imagination?  We still are trying to sell it!

Thanks for coming!

Hey Brett!  There goes Sponge Bob!

Things are starting to wind down...
Noel taking a break and talking with family members.  We still have 2 sets of couches, dining room tables and chairs for sale as you can see. Know anyone that may need them?

We will be having another Yard Sale in the next few weeks.  We would love to sell the remaining item's that we have.  Date TBA...

Watch for information on the Fundraiser/Dinner/Auction in the next few weeks.  We have decided that maybe it would work out better for a fall fundraiser to give us time to regroup from the yard sale (especially Noel)and give us more time to prepare for it. We are also seeking for volunteers to help out on our committee. Also looking for space to hold our function.  It would need to hold a least 150 to 200 people along with tables & chairs. Know anyone with space available it would be appreciated ... 


 By the way everyone Noel is doing wonderful and getting stronger everyday! 

Friday, July 6, 2012

July 6, 2012

Friends and family Noel is a little over 6 weeks after having his transplant.  He is doing so well.  We are still going to the University 3 days a week for lab work and follow up visit with his doctor every two weeks.  With being a diabetic he also is dealing with high blood sugar due to some of his medications he is taking.  Doctors tell us that as his medications are being reduced his blood sugar will come down. White blood cell count a bit high (meaning a slight infection) so on 7-5-2012 a couple more pills of antibiotics a day added to the rest of what he is taking.  Thank goodness no signs of rejection!

As Noel & I look back two years ago this is when he really started to show signs of the disease.  He started to itch more, doctors visit & tests increased.  On July 13, 2010 Noel arrived at Brett baseball game and seemed at bit disorientated.  We had a bite to eat after his game and by now Noel was just not himself.  He wasn't sure where he was, he dropped the cup he was drinking out of and kind of gave us a stare like he didn't know who we were.  We rushed him to the IMC emergency room for which I thought he had a stroke later to find out that he had Hepatic Encephalopathy (high ammonia levels in the body).  This is because the liver is not functioning and cannot filter so toxins are released in the body effecting the brain.  This is the first scary experience (other than the initial diagnosis) with this disease that we had with Noel and the first of many hospital visits to follow.  This is when he was introduced to the yummy medicine Lactulose.  Our little Jackson would always remind his Papa if he had his Lactulose for the day.  Now no more Lactulose.

A year ago Noel had already gone through a regiment of tests, shots, Dr. visits and was now preparing for his Pre-Liver Transplant Evaluation on July 13, 2011.  This would in tell more tests like ct scans, ultra sounds, chest x-rays, bone density, cardio-vascular, treadmill stress test, psychological evaluation, meet with a dietitian, financial consultant, social worker, endoscopy, colonoscopy, more medicines.  He also found out at this time that he had a stone in his pancreas duct that had to be removed.  This would involve 5 ERCP surgery's to remove the stone over 5 months.

As you can see by the picture of Noel he is slowly getting out and getting back into the grove of the day.  He tells me he's a bit antsy to get back to work but knows it will be a while.  He also tells me he really misses the great people he worked with at Page Brake.  They were like family to him and wish them the best. 

Taking in a Bees Game 6/25/2012

We now are preparing for our Yard Sale - Saturday - July 14 to help with Noel transplant costs.  You can read our story in the Salt Lake Tribune today:

If you have anything to donate to the yard sale we are collecting anytime and can be brought to our home.  We are also asking for help to man the yard sale as well and help the night before to prepare items.  We are also looking for awnings to borrow so that we can put them up knowing that it will most likely be a hot day. 

Thank you again family and friends for your sacrifice

P.S. Plans are under way for the Fundraiser/Dinner/Auction in August.  Details of the event at a later date...

8:00AM  TO  2:00PM