Thursday, May 26, 2022

 Happy "10" year liver birthday/anniversary!
Love, Your Family

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

MAY 23, 2017


Another year gone by and Noel has been doing great.  He still is having lab work done monthly and still seeing many doctors.  His daily regiment of pills are at 20 and insulin shots at 4.  His Liver & Kidney function is still holding at Stage 3.  His work is doing good, he is enjoying attending his grand kids baseball, softball and music events.  He misses seeing his kidos in Pennsylvania but Loves Life

Ryanne Violet was born Oct. 4, 2016.


Noelle - Loving playing the violin & softball . . .
Emma (just being Emma with her funny faces) & 
Ryanne (growing fast) . . .

Makenzie - Loving every minute of playing softball - High School in 
the Fall (What?) . . .

Makailee & Papa

Makailee - Loves her scooter and is going into Junior High in the Fall (WHAT?) . . . 

Jackson - Loves playing video games, baseball and being 
catcher and pitcher. . .

Brooklyn - Playing Baseball (one of 2 girls on her team) & Singing in the Canyon View School Choir . . .

Takin' in a Tigers vs Angels game Mother's Day!

As a another year passes by Noel is very grateful to Max and his family for giving him a second chance at life.  We as a family have been so blessed by Max decision to become a Organ Donor.


Monday, May 25, 2015

MAY 23, 2015

Happy 3rd "Liver Transplant Birthday" Noel and especially a big "Thank You" to Max and his family for giving Noel a second chance at life. . .

As for Noel he continues monthly to have lab work done at the U as he would say (I'm Just A Pin Cushion).  This last year he has had a bone density test, ultrasound and liver biopsy done.  He also spent 9 days in the University of Utah Hospital in October of 2014 with pneumonia and a infection being pumped with antibiotics.  He sees his Kidney doctor every 6 months and his Liver doctor every 3 months.  He continues to take a regiment of pills daily with 10 in the morning, 4 noon, 9 evening and 
extra pill on Saturday. . .

 Noel kidney function is at a stage 3 in a holding pattern.  He has to drink a lot of water daily to keep those kidney's working good.  With new information we recently learned about Noel liver biopsy is that his liver function is at a stage 3 as well.  Which means he has signs of fatty tissue in his transplanted liver.  His doctors have said that he needs to work on a diet and exercise program to loose some weight to slow the cirrhosis process down.  So by his next office visit in July he needs to loose at least 10 lbs.  Along with continuing daily with diet and exercise Noel is also a diabetic and has to manage that as well.  With kidney and liver stages we have learned that you can't go backward but can maintain with following the proper instructions from doctors.  Noel diabetes at present is manage with medication which also falls in line with diet and exercise.

*  *  *

To keep everyone up to date I would like to share a 
few of our memories from the "Smith Household" 
to your household this last year. . .

Joe, Amy, Noelle & Emma moved into our house within a year they moved out and to Meadville, Pennsylvania so Joe could be closer to his work.  They love the scenery and have made some really nice friends.  They have been able to go on some adventures with a recent visit to Niagara Falls. . .

We celebrated Carl & LuGene 
"60th Wedding Anniversary"
at a local hotel with family and friends. . .

We lost a family friend, grandmother and great grandmother of Brandon, Nicole, Jackson & Brooklyn. . .

ILA (GiGi)

We enjoyed and continue watching our "kiddos" (grand kids) play basketball, softball, flag football, sing in the school choir, plays and dance.  We loved having the opportunity to share each of there birthday's with them . . .

Noelle School Dance  2-13-2014

Makailee School Program 6-2-2014
Father's Day 2014
Fishing with Makenzie  7-19-2014
Makenzie in school play "Peter Pan"

Jackson - Flag Football
Brooklyn "6th" Birthday

Our Emma
and her many cute faces. . . 

We continue enjoying "Bee's Baseball" games together.  Noel & Brett enjoyed their time together fishing, snowmobiling, U of U football and a occasional Jazz & U basketball games. . .

We celebrated "Papa Carl" 80th Birthday 
with a party in Noel & Deb backyard 
with family and friends.  
Yummy food, cake and an a ice cream bar. . .

A fun trip to St. George with Nicole & Brooklyn to 
see "Little Mermaid" at Tuacahn. . .

We lost our "Geno" July 26, 2014. . .

We took a fun trip to Anaheim to watch the 
Los Angeles Angels vs Seattle Mariners play
baseball.  Spent a few fun days at Disneyland. . .

Brett turned "20" . . .

Chad would of been "31" . . .

Noel was able to spend time with his mother "Violet" Christmas Eve and overnight to Christmas Day also 
New Years Eve and Day before 
she passed away on 
January 4th, 2015 . . .

We love you "Grandma"

We lost a friend, brother-in-law & uncle of Kelly, Kristin, Makenzie & Makailee to "Liver Failure" just short of 11 years of his first liver transplant . . .

Tawannee Kolb
April 21, 1970 - January 14, 2015

Noelle was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints January 24, 2015 by "Papa Noel"  . . .

*   *   *

Well as you can see another full year of memories at the "Smith Household". .  

With another year gone by of Noel Liver Transplant we are so blessed as a family to have such a great husband, father and papa here with us.  We all pray daily that we will have him for many more years to come. . .


Friday, May 23, 2014

May 23, 2014

Today Noel has reached another milestone.  It has been two years since his "Liver Transplant".

Things are going well with Noel.  He is now down to once a month lab work and every 6 month visits with his diabetes, kidney & liver doctors.  In February of this year he had a ultrasound for doctors to take a look at his liver.  Knock! Knock! Hopefully major tests are done for awhile. He is working a bit more but still seems to have those days when he is just down right tired.  He's still working in the truck parts industry and loves every minute of it.  

Noel has also planted a vegetable garden and enjoys his new shed that he put together.  
The grand kids call it "there" playhouse.

He recently had the opportunity to go fishing with Brett.  Although the wind came up early and forced them off the lake the time spent together was enjoyable.

These things like working in the yard, planting a garden, snowmobiling, fishing and attending sporting events have now become fun things to do for Noel and enjoy life something that he couldn't really do for 2 years with being so sick.

This last year has brought many memories of our family that we will never forget.  Here are just a few of them . . .

*  *  *
Enjoying the Bee's games . . .


Makenzie after her surgery . . .
Brooklyn & Jackson

Brett after shoulder surgery . . .

Lake Powell with Brandon, Nicole, Jackson & Brooklyn . . .

A trip with Kelly, Kristin, Makenzie & Makailee to
St. George . . .

Noel & Brett taking down the pine tree . . .

Joe & Noel grinding up the stumps . . .

Dash For Donation 2013 "Leon's Liver Team"

Papa Noel helping out with Jackson Baseball . . .

Noelle fall softball, snowmobiling & choir performance . . .

Makailee softball, Jr. Jazz & helping with Emma . . .

Brooklyn loves her dress-up time & Bee's baseball . . .

Makenzie at the Bee's game - Derek Favors, Jr. Jazz Basketball & Softball . . .

Papa Carl & Nana Lu's 60th Wedding Anniversary . . .

Emma just having a good time . . .

*  *  *

As you can see our family has a lot to be thankful for.  With another year gone by we again are so grateful for the donor program and our donor family for giving Noel a second chance at life. . .